Friday, September 3, 2010

100 best blogs for journalism students

The posting is more than a year old and "consider the source" suspicious (coming from ""), but there are plenty of reliable, provocative and sensible web logs listed in the list from "Learn-gasm" (ahem).

Number 1? PoynterOnline: a no-brainer.

Solid suggestions? No. 12 is Columbia Jouraism Review and No. 14 is the Nieman Journalism Lab.

Novel ideas? Six blogs from other journalism students, dozens of "new media" sites (including Mark Briggs' Journalism 2.0, brilliant and fun innovator Rob Curley, and Mark Glaser's Mediashift), the indispensible Romenesko, and The Newspaper Guild.

Areas of interest? Investigative reporting and photojournalism each have multiple sites.

(No, The Bulldog Edition hasn't made it yet.)